I'm starting to get frustrated. My hair is limp and stringy, even later on in the day of day one post-wash! I tried an egg wash (note: I did
not use rotten eggs. It was only a month past the sell-by date.. that's okay, right?) My hair was not a fan of this. Not only was it quite awkward to try and get it on my hair, but my hair felt waxy and sticky afterward. Here's a note to anyone who wants to try an egg wash:
use cold water. Really cold water. Raw egg + heat = scrambled eggs in your hair. I used (what I thought was) cold water and I was still picking egg bits out of my hair post-shower.
Then I tried switching to distilled white vinegar (DWV) instead of apple cider vinegar. So far, it's the same: greasy, limp, stringy hair. I'm considering going low-poo but if I have to spend $20 on a bottle of low-poo shampoo and it still has things in it that I can't pronounce, I feel like it's defeating the purpose of going au naturel. I tried putting the DWV mix on my whole head tonight instead of just the length, we'll see how that works.