Friday, May 16, 2014

Curl While You Sleep!

I've been hearing a lot about headband curls, and I tried them out.  I started by cutting off the bottom of an old tank top and wrapping it around my head twice.

Then I started twisting the hair around the headband until it was all wrapped up.

 Then I went to sleep!  It was not uncomfortable to sleep on at all, and although I did have some lines on my forehead when I woke up, they went away pretty quickly.  Here's how it turned out:

I'm actually pretty impressed since my hair usually doesn't hold curl very well.  I will say one side definitely curled better than the other, but I'm chalking that up to my twisting/wrapping ability which I'm sure I will improve on.  Next hair experiment: plopping.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Low Rider

The DWV didn't make any difference (that I could notice).  I decided to try "low-poo" as opposed to no-poo.  I figure, as long as your hair is still healthy (free of parabens, sulfates, silicones) and happy, then that's what we're aiming for right?  I strolled on down to our local Whole Foods Co-Op (not associated with the chain Whole Foods Market) to check out what they have in the way of hair care.  I purchased these travel sized Alaffia products:

(Sorry they're not right-side up)

I thought it was really handy they had travel sizes because if it turns out I don't like it, not too much wasted.  The shampoo does not lather really at all, which I consider a good thing, since most lathering agents are detergents that are harmful to your hair.  However that means I kind of use a lot of it to make sure it gets all over my hair.  I'm not in love with the scent, it's an orangey smell, but it's very light and once rinsed out it's barely there.  I may try another brand once these run out, called Nature's Gate.  Here's a link to a Facebook post about low-poo and lists low-poo products.  I'm pretty well convinced low-poo is for me mostly because I'm too lazy to do all the experimenting that no-poo requires (let's just be honest, eh?)

Monday, May 5, 2014

Rotten Eggs

I'm starting to get frustrated.  My hair is limp and stringy, even later on in the day of day one post-wash!  I tried an egg wash (note: I did not use rotten eggs. It was only a month past the sell-by date.. that's okay, right?) My hair was not a fan of this.  Not only was it quite awkward to try and get it on my hair, but my hair felt waxy and sticky afterward.  Here's a note to anyone who wants to try an egg wash: use cold water.  Really cold water.  Raw egg + heat = scrambled eggs in your hair.  I used (what I thought was) cold water and I was still picking egg bits out of my hair post-shower.

Then I tried switching to distilled white vinegar (DWV) instead of apple cider vinegar.  So far, it's the same: greasy, limp, stringy hair.  I'm considering going low-poo but if I have to spend $20 on a bottle of low-poo shampoo and it still has things in it that I can't pronounce, I feel like it's defeating the purpose of going au naturel.  I tried putting the DWV mix on my whole head tonight instead of just the length, we'll see how that works.