Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Cautiously Optimistic

My hair felt pretty normal today.  Just rinsed with water last night and tonight.  I did decide to wear it back since it felt a bit greasy, but nowhere near as greasy as it would be by now if I were still using shampoo (I think). And it feels like less hair is coming out in the shower. Also found out that I shouldn't be using that heat protective spray anymore. Apparently sebum is a natural heat protectant. Which will be great once my hair is actually coated in its own oils. For now, I'll just turn the heat down on the straightener and curling iron and hope for the best.

A few concerns I have:

  • I was always told to use a wide-toothed comb right out of the shower because a brush will pull and break the hair, but I've been using the boar bristle brush
  • Am I rinsing too much?  Should I skip a day and  put my hair in a cap in the shower?
  • Is my scalp actually getting itchy or is that in my imagination?
  • Is my face wash doing the same bad things to my face that shampoo was doing to my hair?

It is starting to feel like my roots are greasy while my ends are dry, which I'm guessing is my hair starting the transition period.  The sooner it starts the sooner it can be over, yeah? Some blogs I've been reading say that there will be this magical day where my hair flips a switch and is no longer transitioning and is now amazing. I'm having trouble believing that's actually how it goes, but I'm cautiously optimistic.

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