Tuesday, March 25, 2014

It's been a week

I decided not to wash last night, I went four days last time and this time I'm trying to really push it. I did water only but when I woke up, still pretty greasy: 

So I decided to use dry shampoo before work this morning. My ingredients: Hershey's unsweetened natural cocoa powder and baby powder with cornstarch found at CVS for $1.77

I couldn't find my tablespoon so I just used a teaspoon and did one tsp of cocoa powder with one tsp of cornstarch. Then I added a pinch more cocoa powder because my hair is pretty dark. 

Then I applied it with a big makeup brush (the slightly smaller than all-over-face size). Here's what it looked like: 

Not awesome, BUT once put into a bun, it looks fine!

And then I dressed it up a bit with a cute headband (which also keeps strays from falling out)

And voila! One more day done without washing. I imagine I'll have to wash Wednesday night. But that'll be almost a week without washing!

Something else I picked up: I've been brushing with a bbb AFTER I get out of the shower and I was doing some reading on the awesome Facebook group for no-poo that you should brush with a bbb BEFORE showering with water only. I'm learning. Baby steps. 

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